Friday 25 March 2011

Working small, thinking big

Blue Tit

Looking back at the pieces that I created at the start of the year, I realised how much I loved painting on a small scale and on patterned fabric. I liked how working on an often floral background makes a background for the birds. This completely changes the appearance of the birds and makes them have much more of a character.

I have tried to recreate this idea by doing another small bird onto floral fabric. What I like about using the backgrounds of patterned fabrics, is that you get to see part of that pattern through the paint and other parts are completely blocked out. I think that I would have liked to have taken more time to make that blue tit more realistic as the way I have painted it makes it seem smooth and tidy whereas the feathers actually created a ‘fluffy’ texture to the birds.

These pieces are all leading up to an exhibition, Between the Lines, that I am participating in with 9 emerging artists. This is an exhibition that is taking place in Walcot Chapel in Bath on the 13th - 16th April.

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