Thursday 18 November 2010

A Bird's Location

Bird on wallpaper
Being inspired by the work of Abigail Brown, I decided to explore painting on different backgrounds to see how this affected the bird’s appearance. As in the piece I uploaded, her bird has been placed into a location; a bird cage. I decided that I would try to put one of my birds into a location.

For this I chose to use a wallpaper sample that I had. I was attracted to the colours and delicate branches of this particular one so thought it would be ideal for one of my birds. The image I chose to paint was of a Blue Tit. I thought that the particular position it was in suited the direction of the branches. I also think that the colours of the bird compliment those of the wallpaper and make it look as if it has always been there.

Something that I am going to look at now is whether to explore a more three dimensional approach to working with birds and have a go at making something like Brown's. In the meantime I am continuing with painting on fabric so there will be more to come...

1 comment:

  1. I love it! There so twee, in a good way! I would have that as wallpaper in my house lol. Cant wait to see more, maybe you could use textiles somehow with the petals/flowers? That would be kool.
