Wednesday 9 February 2011

Mixing it up..

I just thought that I would put up a piece of my textiles as I am also looking at birds there as well! There is such a thing as too many birds I’ve discovered though!

This is piece is a start to some work that I am putting up in the American Museum, Bath in May. 
Freedom Bird

It is a huge passion of mine to combine both art and textiles medias because I like how the different medias work together. I haven’t really used a large amount of embroidery in my art work yet but this could be because of the amount I have done in textiles.

What I have been influenced by in textiles is pattern and colours, although this piece doesn’t have a lot of colour in it, my other work does and it’s more about the range of colours that I am using. As for pattern, I have looked at Native American patterns which I am thinking of combining these ideas with the birds. 

Blue Jay

The birds are influence by the work of John James Audubon, an artist who painted American birds; I like this idea of painting a specific type of bird but have tried to make them more delicate and suitable for patterns.

This is a piece of his work. I like the images of the birds that seem to be in-flight as it adds a sense of movement to them hence why I have used the birds with open wings for my textiles.

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